Thundercats is coming back!
Warner Brothers recently announced the exciting news that one of my childhood favorites, Thunder Cats, is being brought back next year. I remember this being one of the most influential cartoon to me as a kid. Funny thing is, I was blown away by how ambiguous the characters were when I saw a clip of Thunder Cats for the first time again since i was 3 or 4 on youtube. I coulda swore that they were bad ass to me back then!
As a practice run to making tutorial videos. I recorded the process of me redesigning Lion-O, the main character from the cartoon. Here's the image, I should be able to post the process video up once I get a chance to organize and edit it.
The original Lion-O (yay for speedos!):
My version:

This fellow ThunderCats fan says: "Well done!"
Any chance of seeing a group picture?
Really nice design! Looking forward to seeing the video for sure :)
ahaha I have to agree, I remember watching some of my childhood cartoon shows back then, remembering they used to look so bad-ass. But when you look now, I'm sure we're all thinking, "wtf was I thinking"
Great work as always Alex, I really enjoy your posts.
Keep it up my friend.
Cool man. Loved the cartoon...
Man, I'm glad I found your blog! I Saw info about you in ImagineFX magazine! I'm a writer/comic digital artist, and you greatly encourage me with the stuff you do! I hope one day I can post cool stuff like this in my own blog, here at Blogger!
I don't know how to follow your current blog, so I'll just add it to my web favorites :) And I'll check out your new site as well.
Keep up the good work Alex!
Cool Liono face!
NICE!! Awesome painting!
One of the classic, I used to watch this with my kids back then. Nice work, keep it up!
Sherman Unkefer
Liono couldn't be represented any better. Looking forward to see the new redesign of Cheetara, and also the teams second-in-command Panthro.
Mum-ra won't stand a chance against this team of cats.
Impressive work! Your approach to art is refreshingly original, and it’s clear you pour so much passion into your creations. Can’t wait to see where your talent takes you next! air conditioning repair service