Moving my blog
I recently upgraded my website again and merged my blog to it. From now on I will post new updates on my website so be sure to check there for new stuff.
link to my website and blog.
concept work of alex chu
I recently upgraded my website again and merged my blog to it. From now on I will post new updates on my website so be sure to check there for new stuff.
link to my website and blog.
6/15/2010 01:39:00 PM
Author: Alex Chu
Warner Brothers recently announced the exciting news that one of my childhood favorites, Thunder Cats, is being brought back next year. I remember this being one of the most influential cartoon to me as a kid. Funny thing is, I was blown away by how ambiguous the characters were when I saw a clip of Thunder Cats for the first time again since i was 3 or 4 on youtube. I coulda swore that they were bad ass to me back then!
As a practice run to making tutorial videos. I recorded the process of me redesigning Lion-O, the main character from the cartoon. Here's the image, I should be able to post the process video up once I get a chance to organize and edit it.
The original Lion-O (yay for speedos!):
6/08/2010 11:16:00 PM
Author: Alex Chu